Wellington House Influence in the US
WWI, the British deep state cut the telegram cable that linked Germany to the
US. For this reason, the American public was getting all its news from British
sources and through a British filter. Similarly, the British heavily censored
the accounts of the American journalists in Europe. Even though the American
administration was partly aware of the censoring, the American people were
completely unaware that all of this was a part of British deep state propaganda
effort. The propaganda bolstered by such methods lent serious support to the
deep state.
This is
how Sir Gilbert Parker, the head of the propaganda campaign, explains the
effects of his efforts:
have an organisation extraordinarily widespread in the United States, but which
does not know it is an organisation. It is worked entirely by personal
association and inspired by voluntary effort, which has grown more enthusiastic
and pronounced with the passage of time... Finally it should be noticed that no
attack has been made upon us in any quarter of the United States, and that in
the eyes of the American people the quiet and subterranean nature of our work has the appearance of a purely
private patriotism and enterprise...283
the deceitful -as much as deep- propaganda of the British deep state created
the desired effect on the American public. Well-meaning Americans failed to see
the nefarious plans behind the propaganda and were guided in the direction
shown by the British deep state.
Bryce's reports, one of the co-authors of the notorious The Blue Book,
was prepared with the specific purpose of creating an anti-Turkish sentiment in
the American public. Here are some of the outrageous remarks of Bryce against
Turks in the Bryce Report:
government has been the very worst which has afflicted humanity during the last
fifteen centuries. The Turks have always been what a distinguished European
historian of the last generation called them—"nothing better than a band
of robbers encamped in territories which they had conquered and
devastated." They have never become civilized, they have never imbibed or
tried to apply any of the principles on which civilized government must be
conducted. So far from progressing with the progress of the years, they have
gone from bad to worse. Savages they were when they descended into Western Asia
from the plains of Turkistan, savages they were when Edmund Burke [British
statesman and author] so described them one hundred and thirty years ago, and
their government still retains its savage and merciless character.284
Bryce then
penned a book entitled The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and
continued his defamation campaign through this book. Historian McCarthy
explained that the real author of the book was Toynbee. According to McCarthy,
all the techniques visible in the said Armenian report were identical to the
later falsified report that detailed the German violence in Belgium. This
report also included anonymous information gathered from unreliable sources but
there was no conclusive evidence that the people mentioned in the report had
really said or written those things.285
In time,
it was revealed that none of the accounts of violence that Bryce's report on
Germans included were true. This is what author H. C. Peterson writes about the
said report:
[Bryce's] report is one of the most extreme examples of the definition of
propaganda as "assassination by word." It was in itself one of the
worst atrocities of the war.286
The very
same method was used against the Turks; the very same black propaganda campaign
was directed at them using the same methods by the same people. Germany years
later received an apology from Britain for the injustice done, but Turks still
had to deal with the same defamation campaign.
British deep state sent highlights from the Bryce Report to American newspapers
for publication. This is what McCarthy writes about it:
Parker reported "The New York Times, Philadelphia Public Ledger, and the
Chicago Herald … devoted much space to the advance sheets of 'these Armenian
horror stories'." Current History a monthly magazine feature of the New
York Times made the Bryce Report the centerpiece of a series on anti-Turkish
articles, quoting the entire lengthy introduction of the Bryce Report and
summarizing supposedly the most ghastly portions of the book. The New York
Times itself devoted three pages to extracts from the Bryce Report. The New
Republic praised Bryce on his selection of sources and evidence, without
mentioning that most of the sources were anonymous, then went on to summarize
the material and condemn the Turks. Other papers and magazines did the same,
summarizing or quoting directly from the report.287
In other
words, no sources were provided in the British deep state publications, and the
Turks were unfairly targeted as these fake allegations were blindly served to
the American public. It must be remembered that the true target of the British
deep state propaganda was the masses that were unaware of the truths about WWI
and the Middle East. Almost all news reports read by the American and British
public during those days were penned by the British deep state propagandists.
British and American people were deceived with these untrue accounts. This is
how the American historian McCarthy, who exposed the unfair treatment of Turks,
expresses his astonishment that the said deceitful propaganda continues today:
astonishing is the fact that British propaganda against the Turks has been
ignored in scholarly publications on wartime propaganda. Every serious
scholarly study of British propaganda during World War I rightly labels British
propaganda against the Germans as a carefully constructed attack on the truth
in the interests of victory. The same studies do not even consider British
propaganda against the Turks, except when it also was an attack on the Germans.
What British propagandists did to the Germans they also did to the Turks, yet
no one has seemed to care. Propaganda against the Germans has been condemned
while the calumnies against the Turks live on. The infamous Bryce Report on the
Armenians is republished and quoted … It has acquired a patina of
respectability as an "Accepted and Reliable Source," while the Bryce
Report against the Germans properly lies unread on dusty library shelves.
Annotated bibliographies on World War I or on genocide as a topic prominently
feature the Report and other British propaganda publications directed against
Turks, without any identification of them for what they were. The common rules
of historical criticism, which include verification of sources, have not been
applied. In fact, the Bryce Report on the Ottoman Armenians should be consigned
to the same historical dustbin as the Bryce Report on the Germans. It is only a
reliable source on the history of propaganda, not on the history of the Middle
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