Stratford Canning
Canning spent a long time in the Ottoman Empire as an ambassador. Being another
British deep state spy capable of influencing the Ottoman foreign policies, he
became close friends with anglophile Mustafa Reşid Pasha, and managed to be the
most powerful foreign statesman in Istanbul during the Reform Edict Era. When
the Ottoman-Russian conflict broke out in 1853, he prevented peace and
contributed to the start of the Crimean War.
Efendi was the chief intelligence officer reporting to Canning. Born on the
island of Mykonos, he lived in St. Petersburg and managed to be in the service
of the Russian Empress. After marrying the daughter of an officer working in
the palace, he stole some of the jewelry of the Empress and fled. After
spending time in Anatolia disguised as an imam lecturing at mosques, Civinis
Efendi was later seen as a rich Italian, sailing the Aegean Sea in his yacht,
with a new name: 'Comte de Rivoroso'. This conman, with his Greek roots and
fluent French, English and Russian, managed to attract a lot of attention and
was introduced to Grand Vizier Mustafa Reşid Pasha by Canning. The grand vizier
made him a colonel, and made him the head of the Ottoman intelligence unit. It
should be noted that, at the time, the Ottoman intelligence service had to
operate under the close scrutiny of the British deep state. In a short amount
of time, he set up his team and began to spy on the private lives of famous
merchants and pashas and turned the gossips he gathered into reports. In other
words, a British deep state spy was made the head of the first Ottoman
intelligence unit, which was founded by the members of the British deep state
in the first place.166
British citizen, William Nosworthy Churchill, published the first semi-official
newspaper in the Ottoman Empire during the commission of Canning. This free
market promoting newspaper, called Ceride-i Havadis (Journal of News),
defended policies intended to bring Ottoman finances under British control.
was made a Privy Council member in 1820, when he was only 34. There were even
talks of making him the Greek King as a tribute to the active role he played
during the Greek uprising. In the Battle of Navarino, in which the
Ottoman/Egyptian fleet was set on fire, he ensured the cooperation of the
British and Russian navies. Prior to the Crimean War of 1851, Canning had
persuaded the Ottoman officers to decline the peace offer of Russia. British
Prime Minister Gladstone dedicated his Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of
the East to Canning, where he argued that the Turks should be driven out of
went so far as to say that the source of evil in the Ottoman Empire was Islam
(our exalted religion is above such remarks). According to Canning, Islam was
the basis of injustice and weakness, and the Ottoman Empire had to leave Islam
to develop and prosper.
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