The Occupation of Istanbul
This is ever written by the British deep state on their plans regarding the
Ottoman and Turkish lands was William Ewart Gladstone's Bulgarian Horrors
and the Question of the East, published on September 5, 1876. This book was
particularly important because its author had served as the Prime Minister of
the United Kingdom four separate times, for a period of 15 years in total. That
wasn't Gladstone's only notable position though. He also acted as a member of
the Privy Council -one of the key institutions under the influence of the
British deep state operating as a body of advisers to the Queen- and spent 57
years in that position. Lord Curzon, Lloyd George and Horace Rumbold, about
whom more will be told in the following chapters, were also members of this
Council. In his notorious 64-page book, Gladstone laid out his plan to break
the Ottoman Empire into pieces and presented his plan with the pretense of
examining "the Question of the East".
In his
book, Gladstone provided secret tactics to disintegrate empires from within.
Indeed, shortly after the book was published, British politicians developed a
sudden fondness for the minorities living under Ottoman rule. Supporting those
with independence ambitions, they provoked the minorities against the Ottoman
rule. Gladstone sided with the Bulgarians, Lloyd George with the Greeks and the
Armenians, Lord Curzon with the Kurds and Winston Churchill sided with the
Arabs. It should be noted that there is nothing wrong with politicians and
leaders forming friendly relations with ethnical groups. On the contrary, this
forms a desirable picture. Regrettably, however, these new friendships were not
real and were only intended to further British interests and break apart the
Ottoman Empire. Unsurprisingly, as soon as British interests ceased to exist,
so did those so-called friendships.
book was the epitome of black propaganda (the honorable Turkish Nation is above
all the ill-natured remarks made by Gladstone). In this book, he referred to
Turks as 'the one great anti-human specimen of humanity' and hoped that
they would clear out from the lands they ruled. Gladstone didn't refrain from
defaming Turks and said, 'No Government ever has so sinned; none has so
proved itself so incorrigible in sin, or which is the same, so impotent in
reformation'.292 The only reason behind all this defamation and slander was that
Gladstone was one of the most powerful names in the British deep state, which
wished to dismember the Ottoman Empire completely.
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