The Prophet
Adam (pbuh) and All Mankind Existed in the Spiritual
Realm Before the Universe Was Created
In the
Qur'an, God informs us He created mankind in the spiritual realm even before
the creation of the Universe and called everyone to testify:
When your Lord took out all their descendants
from the loins of the children of Adam and made them testify against themselves
'Am I not your Lord?' they said, 'We testify that indeed You are!' Lest you say
on the Day of Rising, 'We knew nothing of this.' (Qur'an, 7:172)
As it is
seen, God informs us in the verse that mankind was brought into being before
the universe, that they were created flawlessly and were fully developed, and
that they testified and promised that God is their Lord. According to the
information imparted by the verse, fully developed, talking, hearing,
promising, testifying human beings existed with all their organs and all their
physical characteristics even before the universe was created.
original Arabic verse is as below:
Wa iz
akhaza rabbuka mim bani a_dama min zuhu_rihim zurriyyatahum wa asyhadahum 'ala_
anfusihim, alastu bi rabbikum, qa_lu_ bala_ - syahidna_ - an taqu_lu_ yaumal
qiya_mati inna_ kunna_ 'an ha_za_ ga_filin(a).
iz akhaza: And when
(He) took out
(iz: you know, remember, then, at that
time, … when… because, as, hence)
your Lord
bani a_dama: from
the children of Adam
zuhu_rihim: from
their loins
zurriyyatahum: their descendant, their lines, their
asyhadahum: and
made them testify
anfusihim: against
alastu: am I not?
rabbikum: your Lord
qa_lu: they said
bala: yes
syahidna: we testify
taqu_lu: lest, so
that you say not
qiya_mati: the Day
of Rising
inna: certainly we, genuinely we
kunna: we are, … we were
ha_za: of this
ga_filin(a): unaware, knew nothing
The Arabic
word 'zurriyyat' (descendant) used in the verse, is used 18 more times
in the Qur'an. The meaning of this word in all the verses it is used in is
'mankind' or 'human generation' as all the Islamic scholars unanimously agree.
In this verse, there is a reference to the descendants of Adam - the line of
the Prophet Adam (pbuh)- meaning all human beings that have lived and will live
on Earth. That is because, had that been a promise taken only from the person
of the Prophet Adam (pbuh), the verse would have read 'When your Lord made Adam
testify." As the verse states 'When your Lord took out all their descendants from the loins of the
children of Adam', there is a reference to all the descendants of the Prophet
Adam (pbuh), meaning all mankind.
The Arabic word 'iz' (meaning;
remember that time, when) refers to the time when this address was made to the
descendants of the Prophet Adam (pbuh), meaning to all mankind. The word 'iz'
is a preposition used while talking about an incident that took place in the
past. It means 'remember this incident that took place in the past'. What is
meant here is the testimony, the promise all humankind gave in the past, even before the universe was
In another
verse of the Qur'an, it is stated that people will die twice and will be given
life twice:
They will say, 'Our Lord, twice You caused us
to die and twice You gave us life. We admit our wrong actions. Is there no way
out?' (Qur'an, 40:11)
The first
death and life mentioned in this verse is the way people -in a sense- die after
they gave this promise in the spiritual realm, and then are given life by God
using their parents as instruments and are sent to this world. The second death
is the physical death that we know of in this world. After that, people will be
given life for the second time in the Hereafter.
When this
is the case, the 'gradual formation of mankind' claims of those who assert that
creation through evolution is mentioned in the Qur'an become utterly invalid.
Humans did not come into existence in a gradual manner. The whole of mankind,
the Prophet Adam (pbuh), and all the other prophets existed in the spiritual
realm even before the whole universe was created. The claim that the Prophet
Adam (pbuh) and the rest of mankind turned into modern man through a set of
evolutionary processes does not hold any truth.
Prophet Adam (pbuh), just like the rest of humanity, existed in the spiritual
realm even before the universe was created, and then was created in Heaven,
later to be sent to the Earth:
Your Lord said to the angels, 'I am going to
create a human being out of clay. When I have formed him and breathed My Soul
into him, fall down in prostration to him!' (Qur'an, 38:71-72)
But satan made them slip up by means of it,
expelling them from where they were. We said, 'Go down from here as enemies to
each other! You will have residence on the earth and enjoyment for a time.'
(Qur'an, 2:36)
In another
verse of the Qur'an, God informs us about the promise given by all mankind in
the spiritual realm as follows:
Remember God's blessing to you and the
covenant He made with you when you said, 'We hear and we obey.' Have fear of
God. God knows what the heart contains. (Qur'an, 5:7)
Those who gave their promises to God in
the spiritual realm were not part human and part other creatures, with incomplete forms and undeveloped
limbs. They were complete and conscious humans. This is a clear proof that
creation through evolution does not exist in the Qur'an.
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