The Lion's
After WWI
ended, the British deep state was trying to conclude its occupation of Istanbul
and Anatolia through spying operations, and was forging alliances with other
European countries in a bid to solidify its steps towards its greater goals.
Powers, the victors of the world war, shared mandate regions and oil at the San
Remo Conference in Italy on April 25, 1920. Britain obtained 75% of Mosul's oil
revenues, and received the control of the oil companies. France, on the other
hand, settled for 25%. Further, British showed the 'election' of King Faisal in
Iraq as the acceptance of the British mandate by the local people and persuaded
the League of Nations in San Remo to accept it. Strangely, although the
mandates could be placed only by the League of Nations at the time, at the
instigation of Britain, the rule was applied in reverse order.354
One of the
important purposes of the San Remo Conference was the founding of an autonomous
Kurdish state in the southeastern part of Turkey. Britain suggested that an
independent Kurdish state or a federation of tribes should be built and should
be free from any official control of other powers. However, due to the
reservations of France, the proposal was rejected, which prompted to make the
British to make another move. This strategic move would allow the Kurds to not
only gain local autonomy but also apply to the League of Nations for full
independence within a year.355 This development clearly revealed the true intentions of the British
deep state. The aspiration of building an independent Kurdish state had always
been their true goal, and a major reason for the Mosul issue. The British deep
state viewed such a British-controlled state including southeastern Turkey as a
crucial goal and hoped that it would weaken the Turks and even help expel them
from Anatolia.
Prime Minister Lloyd George said on May 19, 1920 during the San Remo Conference
that the Kurds would not be able to survive unless they were supported by a
major state power and revealed the approach of the British deep state to the
will be difficult to convince all the Kurds to accept a new protector, as they
are used to the Turkish rule… Mosul, of which mountainous areas is home to
Kurds and South Kurdistan, which contains it, are of concern to British interests.
It is believed that Mosul region can be separated from other regions and join a
new independent Kurdish state to be established. … However, it will be very
difficult to solve this problem through an agreement.356
When the
victors forced the defeated countries to sign treaties, the Turks proved an
exception. Although the now ineffective Istanbul government had signed the
Treaty of Sévres, the new Turkish state flat out refused to recognize it. Thus
began a long war of independence for the Turks, even if they had just emerged
battered from the devastating WWI. Nevertheless, the Turks managed to drive the
enemy out of their country, and were now getting ready to sit down at the
negotiation table at Lausanne in a stronger position compared to other defeated
countries of the war. The Allied Powers, having to end their occupation of
Anatolia after facing the epic heroism and bravery of Atatürk's forces, tried
to defeat the Turks at the table in Lausanne. The British deep state's main
goal at Lausanne was making the Turks accept the Sévres. What they failed to
take into account was that this time there was a different Turkish
administration. This Turkish state represented an altruistic, passionate,
unconquerable nation, who fought tooth and nail under the leadership of the
great Turk Mustafa Kemal, and secured a phenomenal victory. All the sides at
Lausanne, most notably Britain, would soon realize this.
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