Efforts to provoke the Kurds of Anatolia
The Society for the Rise of Kurdistan was
established on the day Armistice of Mudros was signed, which was October 30,
1918. The particular attribute of this society was its close ties to the
authorities of the British deep state and that it served almost as the center
of British spying efforts. Mustafa Kemal himself made it clear that the society
aimed to build an independent Kurdish state under foreign protection.1
The British deep state used such organizations as fronts to devise its plans
for building a Kurdish state in Anatolia. British High Commissioner Admiral John
de Robeck, made this plan very clear on March 26, 1920.
"Kurdistan must completely secede
from Turkey and gain independence. We can reconcile the interests of Armenians
and the Kurds. Seyid Abdülkadir, the head of Kurdish Club in Istanbul (Society
for the Rise of Kurdistan) and Şerif Pasha, the Kurdish delegate in Paris, are
at our service."2
The aforementioned Şerif Pasha is the person
who started the separatist movements in Anatolia under the direction of the
British deep state. Together with Sheikh Abdülkadir, he made sure that the
Treaty of Sévres had an 'independent Kurdish state' clause.
However, this plan of the British deep state
came to nothing.
In April 1919, the tribes that Major Noel
worked to draw to British side, vowed to fight on the side of the Ottoman
Empire against the occupiers until their last breath. A telegram sent by the
British High Commission to London reveals that 30,000 Kurds would fight along
the side of Mustafa Kemal Pasha as soon as the Turkish War of Independence
started. Around the same time, Kurdish tribal leaders were attending the
Erzurum Congress and were elected to the Representative Committee.
Şerif Pasha and Sheikh Abdülkadir, spies and
minions of the British deep state, carried out propaganda claiming that Kurds
wanted to leave the Ottoman Empire. This propaganda led Kurdish leaders all
over the country to send countless telegrams swearing allegiance first to the
Ottoman Parliament and then to the Turkish Parliament in Ankara.3
One telegram sent to the Turkish Parliament
on February 26, 1920 read as follows: "We learned about the separatist
efforts of traitor and heretic Şerif Pasha, targeting Kurds. Turks and Kurds
are one. Kurds and Turks are true brothers in blood and religion. They share
the same land. Kurds never consider leaving the Ottoman community or the
Islamic Union. They wish to live within the Islamic Union until the end of the
world. We hereby declare to the whole world that we strongly disavow the
activities of Şerif Pasha and other similar efforts and that we are loyal to
our government."
The telegram was signed by the following:
Mayor Ali Riza, Yusuf the head of Keçel
Tribe, Seyit Ali the head of Abbasi Tribe, Hüseyin the head of Kelani Tribe, Paşa Bey the
head of Balanlı Tribe, Çiçek the head of Baratlı Tribe, Yusuf the head of
Aşranlı Tribe. From religious scholars: Sheikh Saffet, Sheikh Hacı Fevzi, Mufti
Osman Fevzi. From business circles: Arapzade Ahmet, Ruhzade Halis, Tavşanzade
Recep, Hacı Eşbehzade Şükrü, Müftüzade Hakkı. From the gentry; Hacı Mehmet,
Çapıkzade Münir, Ahmet Paşazade Şemsi, Beyzade Sami.4
After the
Turkish Grand National Assembly was opened in Ankara, similar telegrams were
sent there, too. The parliament records make it clear that telegrams were
received from the residents of Solhan, Çemişkezek, Hasankeyf, Kangal, Palu,
Bitlis, Adıyaman, Kahta, Ahlat, Hizan, Şirvan, Şırnak protesting the separatist
movements and that swore allegiance to the Parliament. These telegrams were
read in the Parliament. The following joint telegram of the tribal leaders
clearly demonstrate the unity decision of the Kurds:
be informed that we will assist and aid our government with all our might to
ensure peace within the National Pact and that we never wish to hear that
Kurdish identity is treated as separate within the Grand National Assembly of
the Republic of Turkey.
success, we present our deepest regards."
Hacı Sebati
head of the İzoli Tribe, Mehmet the head of the Aluçlu Tribe, Halil the head of
Bariçkan Tribe, Hüseyin the head of the Bükrer Tribe, Halil the head of the
Zeyve tribe, Hüseyin the head of the Deyukan Tribe and Mehmet the head of the
Cürdi Tribe. From religious scholars: Bekir, Sıtkı, Rüştü, Avni, Halil, Hafız
Mehmet. From the gentry: İzdelili Fehim, Hüseyin, Bulutlu İbrahim, Nail,
Zabunlu Halil, Sadık.5
as soon as WWI was over, the British deep state was seeking to stoke problems
not only in Mosul and within the borders of Iraq, but also in Anatolia between
Kurds and Turks. However, the greatest answer to this insidious plan came from
our Kurdish people again. Members of the Turkish Parliament in Ankara and the
Kurdish people declared to the entire world - and especially to the British
deep state - that Kurds and Turks are one and a whole. The British deep state,
having failed with its plans with Şerif Pasha, would make another attempt after
Lausanne and seek to use Sheikh Said this time.
1. "Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti"
(Society for the Rise of Kurdistan), Wikipedia,
2. Ibid.
3. Van Bruinessen, Ağa, Şeyh ve Devlet
(Tribal Leader, Sheikh and State), translated by Banu Yalkut, Istanbul:
İletişim Yayınları, 2004, p. 27
4. Meclis-i Mebusan Zabıt Ceridesi
(Parliament Minutes of Proceedings), Session LV, vol. 1, p. 208
5. Sibel Özel, "Anayasa M. 66/I Hükmünde
Yer Alan Türk Tanımı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme", Baro Dergisi, vol.
86, no. 2012/6, 2012, p. 48
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