Sycophants of the British Deep State
its history, the British deep state has seen hypocrites as its most effective
tool in its never-ending quest of gaining control over different regions, of
inciting riots, staging coups, of overthrowing governments and spreading
perverted ideologies. After identifying a country as a target, the British deep
state actively seeks out greedy individuals with self-esteem problems for its
following of sycophants. These people, due to their inferiority complex, are
usually ready to adopt an anglophile character to the extent of obsequiousness.
Most of the time, promises of insignificant positions, money or other
assurances to be later forgotten, are enough to convince these people to do
anything. These people are hypocrites, who sell their countries, abandon their
religion and are capable of committing inconceivable evil for personal gains.
In the
process of gaining control over India and provoking Arabs against the Ottoman
administration, these minions proved most useful for the British deep state.
Not surprisingly, they played an important role in the fall of the Ottoman
Empire. However, the threat of traitorous hypocrites didn't end with the fall
of the Empire. On the contrary, such hypocrites are still present today and
continue to be handpicked by the British deep state for their greedy,
impressionable and obsequious characters. These people are the main reason
behind the horrible developments that took place in countries like Iraq and
Syria. It should be remembered that Turkey is certainly not immune to this
threat. There are many hypocrites in Turkey that seek to build ties with and
serve the British deep state, at the expense of their countries. Therefore, it
is crucial to take lessons from the past and correctly identify people with
such traitorous characters.
The Ottoman Admirers of England
British deep state has actively supported the movements in the Empire that it
believed could weaken the unity of the Ottoman society. For instance, it set up
and supported the famous 'Young Turks' and 'Committee of Union and Progress'.
In addition, many destructive developments in the Empire, such as the uprising
of Ali Pasha of Ioannina designed to weaken the central government, and the
coup staged by Midhat Pasha on March 31, were also planned and directed by the
British deep state.
British deep state has used local elements as well. Certain 'anglophile'
Ottomans considered their personal interests above those of the Islamic world
and the Empire, and turned into implementers of sly British deep state plots
concocted in dark London dungeons and cisterns. Throughout its history, the
British deep state has never encountered any difficulty sourcing such
traitorous hypocrites in the targeted countries and then manipulating them. The
situation was no different in the Ottoman Empire.
Let's have
a look at some spies that worked for the British deep state in the Ottoman
'English' Said Pasha
Known as
'English' Said Pasha for his deep admiration for everything English, Said Pasha
played significant roles in wars that proved devastating for the Empire in the
19th century.
returning from his navy training in Britain, he rose through the ranks quickly
and became the Minister of Navy. He was responsible for the Ottoman navy during
the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78). However, because of gross negligence by the
command of the navy, the capital came face to face with the risk of invasion in
only five months. The war ended with disastrous results for the Ottomans, who
had to cede Bulgaria, North Greece, Macedonia and Serbia to Russia and its
mistakes made by the Turkish fleet in the Danube River also played a role in
the Ottoman defeat. Interestingly, a British officer, Hobart Pasha, was in charge
of the fleet at the time, while 'English' Said Pasha was the vizier. The Danube
stretch was the only defensive line that could stop the Russian army from
getting to Istanbul. However, the Ottoman army in Danube was heavily defeated
because the British admiral was serving not the Ottoman Empire but the British
deep state.
As a
result, the Russian army reached Yeşilköy (San Stefano), coming very close to
capturing Istanbul. In the meantime, Romania and Serbia declared their
independence and the kingdom of Bulgaria was founded. The Russians annexed
Kars, Ardahan and Batum, which brought the Turkish rule in Caucasus to a
definitive end. As a result, some 1.5 million Circassians had to flee to
Turkey. Britain also secured Cyprus as a protectorate, which later would be
used as a logistics hub for the Armenian riots.
Said Pasha was also assigned the task of reconstructing the region following
the Zeitun (Armenian) rebellion. The developments in the region will be
explained in more detail in the chapter on the British deep state and the
Abdullah Cevdet
Cevdet was possibly the most ardent supporter of Darwinism and its promulgation
in the Empire. Although religious when he was young, he was introduced to
materialist-Darwinist ideology at the Medical School. During those days,
biologic materialism was spreading fast among the medical students, and
affected Cevdet as well. With his articles, he tried to prove his erroneous
idea that 'biologic materialism would in time take the place of religion'.
Cevdet was
also one of the founders of the 'Society of the Friends of England'. During the
years when Istanbul was under occupation, he informed on many patriots involved
in the independence movement and led to their arrest by the British. He also
played a significant role in the Society for the Rise of Kurdistan, which
worked closely with the British authorities. Abdullah Cevdet maintained that
Kurdish people should have seceded from the Ottoman Empire, and is therefore
usually considered as one of the architects of the idea of 'autonomy for the
Southeastern Anatolia'. He was manipulated by the British deep state for its
plans to divide the Ottoman Empire and create conflict between Kurds and Turks.
It was
Abdullah Cevdet who started the practice of giving license to women to work as
prostitutes in brothels. About the Battle of Gallipoli, he shockingly said, 'civilization
came to our doorstep, but we turned it back'.143
During his
education at the medical school, following the advice of Ibrahim Temo and
acting together with Hikmet Emin of Konya, İshak Sükuti of Diyarbakır and
Mehmet Reşid of Caucasus, Abdullah Cevdet founded the Committee of Ottoman
Union, which would later transform into the Committee of Union and Progress. In
1908, he translated and published Reinhart Dozy's two-volume book entitled Essai
sur l'Histoire de l'Islamisme in Egypt, which was then under the control of
the British evolutionist Lord Cromer. This book, which was full of slanders
about our religion and our beloved Prophet (pbuh), caused a huge uproar in the
Ottoman society [our beloved Prophet (pbuh) is above such slanders]. In the
articles he wrote in the early 1900s, he maintained that the Ottoman Empire
should be ruled by the British and claimed that Britain had the world's most
civil and honest government.144
and publisher Zekeriya Sertel said that Abdullah Cevdet was a British spy and
he once informed on Sertel and his friends due to a meeting they had.
Cevdet, citing the relationship of British imperialism with Spain, said: 'since
it is going to be inevitable to be incorporated by spheres of influence that
great states are trying to create, it will be expedient to choose British among
the options'.145
he propagandized the Bahá'í faith supported by the British (the Kurdistan
newspaper was being printed in a Bahá'í printing house supported by certain
circles in Cairo).
Midhat Pasha
Pasha, influenced by the British deep state, plunged the Ottoman Empire in a
war with Russia. He was also one of the three plotters of the coup that
dethroned and caused the martyrdom of Sultan Abdülaziz. Interestingly, he was
also behind the riot that led to the coup. It is also known that he had planned
the coup with the British ambassador Elliot.146
During his
first term as the grand vizier, he signed a decree that allowed Egypt to
receive foreign loans, which ultimately caused Egypt to come under British
rule. Ármin Vámbéry, known as a British spy of the Abdul Hamid II era, was the
French tutor of Midhat Pasha.
It is also
known that during his time as the governor of Baghdad, he sought to bring the
Kuwait Emirate under British rule.
Kamil Pasha
spent 9 years as grand vizier, Kamil Pasha was another Ottoman officer that was
called 'English' for his anglophile nature. His visit to London in 1851 for an
exhibition left him with a lifelong admiration for England. This admiration was
such common knowledge, from spies' reports to embassy notes, that the matter
was discussed everywhere. When he was assigned to Rhodes while he was the
governor of Izmir, he sought refuge in the British Consulate. Only after the
Sultan gave a personal assurance, he returned to Istanbul.
When he
was the Izmir governor, Kamil Pasha worked with the British to create an
autonomous region in Izmir, just as in Egypt. Many historians believe that
Abdul Hamid II secretly supported him in this endeavor.
His final
term as the Grand Vizier ended when he had to resign at gunpoint by Enver
Pasha. He then sought refuge with his close friend Lord Kitchener, British
Consul-General in charge of Egypt at the time.
Damad Ferid Pasha
Ferid Pasha rose through the ranks very quickly, and secured a post in the
Ottoman Embassy in London despite his relatively insignificant previous
positions in the Foreign Office. As one of the signatories of the Treaty of
Sèvres on behalf of the Ottoman Empire, he ordered the destruction of 90,000
containers of ammunition kept in Ottoman military warehouses in Istanbul, in
line with the instructions of the British. He then sent an army of thugs
consisting of people like Ahmet Anzavur to Anatolia to fight the Nationalist
Forces of the Ankara government.
One of the
co-founders of the Society of the Friends of England, he had Dürrizade Abdullah
Efendi issue a fatwa for the execution of Mustafa Kemal and his comrades
on April 11, 1920.147
to the last grand vizier Tewfik Pasha, Ferid Pasha was more loyal to Western
world then the Westerners themselves. An article in the daily Tevhid-i Efkâr
described him as follows:
he returned from London, he became a Westerner and almost turned hostile to
Islam. He would always quote Greek and Latin proverbs, superstitions and
mythology in his speeches, lectures and writings. (...) To sum it up, he turned
completely Western, but remained a cosmopolite man devoid of any sense of
Mahmud Raif Efendi
He was the
first diplomat to serve as chief clerk in the Ottoman Embassy in London. Due to
his anglophilia, he gained the nickname 'English Mahmut'. He instigated the Kabakçı
Mustafa Rebellion of 1808, which brought death to him as well. This rebellion
caused the deposing and subsequent murder of Sultan Selim III, after which
Istanbul became a lawless city controlled by thugs for almost one and a half
years. During this time, the Wahhabi riot broke out in Arabia but the Ottomans
failed to quickly suppress it because of its domestic problems. The effects of
this rebellion are felt to this day. Raif Efendi's book on his trip to Britain
clearly demonstrates his deep admiration of that country.
Young Ottomans or the New Ottomans
Abdülaziz's opponents organized as Young Ottomans, under the leadership of
Midhat Pasha, who was behind the coup of 1876. Ali Suavi, who attempted another
coup a couple of years later, did so with his wife, who was also a British spy.
This group was the beginning of Young Turks and the Committee of Union and
Progress. Young Ottomans believed that the Ottoman Empire could only be
saved with the help of the British.
Young Turks, İsmail Kemal Bey and Damad Mahmud
Celaleddin Pasha
As a
continuation of Young Ottomans, this group later turned into the Committee of
Union and Progress. Most Young Turks were supported by the British deep state.
When in 1899, İsmail Kemal Bey, Damad Mahmud Celaleddin Pasha and their sons
fled to Europe, the Young Turk movement began to assume a pro-British stance.
Those Young Turks that believed in the necessity of British intervention in
Ottoman lands later split from the core society and founded the 'Ottoman
Society of Promoters of Freedom', and tried to stage a coup with the help of
the British, but failed.
Sabahaddin, who was considered one of the names behind the 31 March Incident,
was the son of Damad Mahmud Celaleddin Pasha. He argued that the Ottoman state
system should be modeled on the British system. Another Young Turk, Ahmed Rıza,
who was the son of 'English' Ali Rıza Bey, one day came across a British
ambassador who was going to Sarayburnu; he untied the horses drawing the
ambassador's cart and tied himself in their place. That was the shocking extent
of the anglophilia of those sycophants.
when the Committee of Union and Progress finally came into power, it failed to
secure the support it expected from Britain. Because the real intent of
the British had been supporting the opposition and radical anti-state movements
to create an atmosphere of conflict around the empire, which, to a large
extent, it achieved.
Dervish Vahdeti and the 31 March Incident
Vahdeti, who was one of the significant leaders of the 31 March Incident, was
in truth a Cypriot spy working for the British. Prior to the riot, he was
making provocative claims like 'religion was being lost' in his newspaper Volkan.
It should be noted that Grand Vizier 'English' Kamil Pasha was also a writer at
the same paper. During the riot, Vahdeti gave long, fiery speeches to provoke
people in the Sultanahmet Square. Chanting the slogan 'we want sharia', Vahdeti
split the country into two and caused a military coup. The truth is, he had
never been a religious person.
In his
newspaper, he frequently spoke of his fondness of the British and said that
Cyprus under British rule had become a little Switzerland.
Yemin (Yalman), a young Turkish journalist back then, wrote about Dervish
Vahdeti's relations with the British and the role Britain played in the 31
March Incident:
The Cypriot petitioner named Dervish Vahdeti was in truth handpicked by the
British intelligence service, was trained as a riot agent and was tasked with founding
Volkan Newspaper, the Committee of Union of Mohammedians and provoking people.
Although Volkan seemed to pursue an Islamist, liberal, humanist policy, it was a front to conceal its
pro-British line, which had been its main task all along. That was a classical
method used by the British spies.149
was, in truth, a Darwinist who wasn't religious at all. However, he had a duty
given to him by the British deep state and, true to his duty, he managed to
gain influence using religion, led a pro-sharia movement and incited a
wide-scaled riot. Author Sina Akşin explains the basic qualities of Vahdeti
with the following words:
qualities, liberal views, pro-constitution approach, humanist and
Western-leaning opinions… Vahdeti was knowledgeable about Western scholars to
the extent of quoting Dreyfus, Zola and Darwin in his pieces. He was protective
of old fugitives and exiles, was vehemently against the civilian leaders of the
Committee of Union and Progress, most notably Ahmed Rıza. Nevertheless, he was
supporting Sabahaddin Bey and Kamil Pasha. Therefore, he had a pro-British stance. Dervish
believed that the best policy would be the British policy.150
The 31
March Incident was co-planned by Vahdeti and his British allies. The true goal
was creating turmoil in the country in an attempt to further weaken the
Ottomans. One account of British agents' support to Vahdeti can be found below:
Vahdeti, who played an active role in starting the riot, did everything in his
power to inflame the rising, and his Committee of Union of Mohammedians and its
publication Volkan newspaper, acting together with other opposition parties,
managed to provoke the media against the Committee of Union and Progress. In
his sedition, he enjoyed support from Cypriot Kamil Pasha and British spies.151
Friends of England during the Occupation of
Society of the Friends of England represented the zenith of the pro-British
attitude some Ottoman statesmen adopted. This organization was founded while
Istanbul and Anatolia were under occupation and helped the British efforts
against the independence movement. The book will examine later the particular
activities of this society. However, for now, let's see the politicians that
were members of this group and the roles they played in the political arena of
'occupied Istanbul'.
Pasha, who succeeded another co-founder, Damad Ferid Pasha, as a grand vizier,
was also an anglophile. In his first remark in office, he made it clear that
his goal was 'rebuilding our old friendship with Britain'.
November 22, 1919, when he was in London as the Ottoman Ambassador, he
explained his plan to build an Ottoman-British alliance on defense issues and
continued saying that, 'Turkish nation, from the Sultan to the people trust
Great Britain and wouldn't be able to show that trust to any other nation.' As
he was uttering these words, Britain was drawing up the Treaty of Sèvres at the
Paris Peace Conference and making plans to share the Ottoman lands.
Pasha even once said to Lord Curzon, the British Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs, "His Imperial Majesty [the Sultan] was deeply convinced that
the only hope for his country and his throne lay in a revival of the old
relations between Turkey and Great Britain, to which he was ready to agree in
any manner that might be thought best...."152
Pasha's peace offer was as follows:
and the Ottoman Empire will sign a treaty, according to which, Ottomans will
leave the protection of the freedom of the Straits to Britain, to be in favor
of all nations. For this purpose, Britain might use her own soldiers or Turkish
security forces. Turkish government will put the Turkish gendarme at British
disposal. Furthermore, it will transfer the management of the required land
strip for the protection of the freedom of the Straits, to Britain.
an alliance will dispel for good any thoughts prevalent in India and in other
regions that Britain is hostile to the caliphate and that it wishes to destroy
Turkey. The agreement will be strong proof that the opposite is true and will
show to the whole Islamic world that Britain is the defender and ally of the
Izzet Pasha, who formed the first government in Istanbul after the Armistice of
Mudros, couldn't provide necessary support to the Nationalist Forces, and
despite his previous promises to Ankara government, he continued to serve in
the Istanbul government. During his meeting with John Godolphin Bennett, one of
the officers of the British occupying forces in Istanbul, he said that if he
was convinced that Britain had friendly intentions towards Turkey, he could
make Mustafa Kemal meet with the British commander in chief and would do
everything in his power to find a common ground regarding the evacuation of Anatolia
by the Greeks and that he would try to persuade Mustafa Kemal. It is clear that
the occupation of Anatolia by the Greeks was a plan of the British deep state,
and its members could have stopped it if they wished. This fact will be
examined in greater detail in the chapters regarding the Treaty of Sèvres and
the Treaty of Lausanne.
Loyal Servants of British Imperialism in
the Ottoman Political Scene
During the
years leading up to the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Istanbul government
consisted mainly of politicians that thought salvation lay in an alliance with
Britain. These people believed that their future depended on the mercy of the
British imperialism. For instance:
Mustafa Resid Pasha, who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, claimed that he
was speaking not only for himself, but also for his colleagues in the
government, the Sultan and most of the people, and told the British High
Commissioner Webb that the general desire was towards a British rule.154
* Ali
Kemal, the Minister of Internal Affairs, said to British Admiral Calthorpe that
he believed that salvation lay in British rule, regardless of how it happened.
Ahmed Reşid (Rey), who briefly served as the Minister of Internal Affairs as
well as a member of the Peace Committee, wished for the acceptance of the
British leadership on behalf of Damad Ferid Pasha and said that the policy of
the current government was based on the trust of Turkish government in the
British support.
Ali Kemal,
who served as the Minister of Education and Minister of Internal Affairs in
Damad Ferid Pasha government, was the great-grandfather of Boris Johnson, the
incumbent UK Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Ali Kemal was being paid
by Abdul Hamid II to spy on the Young Turks. Clearly, it wasn't enough to stop
him from conspiring the 31 March Incident, which led to the deposition of Abdul
Hamid II.
Ali Kemal
argued that Turkey should have accepted a British mandate. A sworn enemy of
Atatürk, he also actively worked to stop the Nationalist Forces. Some of the
remarks he uttered about Atatürk and the Nationalist Forces were as follows:
hands with Mustafa Kemal is tantamount to reaching out to thugs. They keep
fighting with a makeshift army [referring to Nationalist forces]. These crazies
keep saying they want independence. Remember that old Arab proverb: 'What the
victor wants, what the victor gets'. That's it.
to the Turkish army fighting the war of independence] They are being blocked in
every way, they have low spirits, most of them are barefooted, they lack
weapons, they have a couple of trucks but all of them are useless. They have
neither fuel nor spare parts. They only have oxen for transportation. [People
like] Mustafa Kemal never do anything useful. Thankfully, they are rare. They
should be cut off like sick limbs.155 (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his brave
companions are above such remarks)
Ali Kemal
was also a founder of the Society of the Friends of England.
Kemal Atatürk, in his famous Nutuk (The Great Speech), wrote the
following about the Society of the Friends of England that had Shaykh al-Islam
Mustafa Sabri Efendi, who was opposed to the nationalist movement, as their
Honorary President:
One of
the most important of these, the 'Society of the Friends of England' is worthy
of special mention. It does not follow from its name that its members were
necessarily friends of England. In my opinion, the founders of this society
were people who thought, before anything else, of their own safety and their
own particular interests, and who tried to secure both by inducing Lloyd
George's Government to afford them English protection. I wonder whether these
misguided persons really imagined for a moment that the English Government had
any idea at all of maintaining and preserving the Ottoman State in its
At the
head of this Society were Vahdettin, who bore the title of Ottoman Sultan and
Caliph, Damat Ferit Pasha, Ali Kemal, Minister of the Interior, Adil Bey,
Mehmet Ali Bey and Sait Molla. Certain English adventurers, for instance a
clergyman named Frew, also belonged to this Society. To judge from the energy
the latter displayed, he was practically its chairman.156
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