6. British
Spies in the Ottoman Empire
ambassadors, consuls and diplomats merit special consideration in any study
regarding the activities of the British deep state in the Ottoman Empire. These
officers, who were in the Ottoman lands supposedly to serve as diplomats, were
most often working as spies. Indeed, they immensely helped the British deep
state achieve its goals. Some of them befriended Turkish bureaucrats, some
tried to sway Turkish politics. Some of them incited and offered logistic
support for riots among minorities living peacefully until then on Ottoman
lands. When acts of friendship or promises of economic assistance didn't work,
they didn't hesitate to resort to threats or blackmail.
British deep state used professional spies, too. These people could be
disguised as archeologists or travelers, and worked to incite anti-Ottoman sentiments
among minorities living under Ottoman rule. One notorious example is the
British archeologist/agent Gertrude Bell, who planned and put into action the
riots in Iraq, Syria and Jordan. Bell, with her spying activities, impressed
the British deep state so much that she was later referred to as 'daughter
of the desert' or 'the uncrowned queen of the desert'. Speaking
fluent Arabic, Persian and Turkish, Bell befriended local people and merchants
in Ottoman-ruled Jerusalem, Syria and Iraq. With the pretense of carrying out
archeological studies, she drew maps of the regions and sent them to the
British Royal Geographical Society. She contributed to the Ottoman losses of
Mosul, Baghdad and Basra.
At the
Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Bell helped Churchill, one of the most
prominent members of the British deep state, draw the borders of Iraq with a
British spy T. E. Lawrence was responsible for the Arab riots in Hejaz, as the
readers have seen in the previous chapter. The British deep state used Lawrence
for sedition and provided money and arms to Arabs, to be used against the
Ottoman administration. After the riot, the region came under British control.
The order
that 'Lawrence of Arabia' gave to Arab rebels as the Turkish army was withdrawing
clearly showed his hatred of Turks: "The best of you brings me the most
dead Turks! No prisoners!"139
Bell and
Lawrence attended the Cairo Conference held in 1921, with Churchill as the
chairman. Churchill nicknamed the participants of the gathering 'Forty Thieves'
for plundering the Ottoman territory. At the conference, it was agreed that
Britain should maintain its mandate over Palestine and Abdullah from the
Hashemite house should be the king of Jordan, while Faisal from the same house
should be the king of Iraq. It was also decided that Husain, the Sharif of
Mecca, should control the Hejaz, while the House of Saud should control the
Arab peninsula and the Nejd. Britain would provide financial assistance to all
of these people, while the Royal Air Force would be responsible for the
security in the area. In line with the decisions, the British bombed thousands
of settlements and martyred tens of thousands of civilians. All those lands
shared at the conference were former Ottoman territories. The zigzag shape on
the Jordan-Saudi Arabia border is known as 'Winston's Hiccup'. Years later,
Churchill said that he had created Transjordan "with the stroke of a pen,
one Sunday afternoon in Cairo".140 It was this easy for the British deep state to
play with countries, states and peoples.
A Report on How the British Deep State Influenced
the Ottoman Statesmen
The ambassadors of the British deep state
were able to make the Ottoman Empire enter war at will, made it sign peace
treaties that worked to the British advantage, deposed Ottoman sultans, and had
grand viziers executed. They achieved this power by means of certain Ottoman
statesmen that were under their control. These people were hypocrites who
betrayed their country and chose to serve the British deep state. For this
reason, the British deep state has kept a close watch on Turkish statesmen
throughout history. One report that G. Barclay, a British embassy officer, sent
on January 18, 1907 is a good example of this trend. The report, which provided
information about senior Ottoman officers to the British deep state
institutions, included characterizations and even derogatory remarks about
these people and even their wives. Some of the examples from the report can be
found below:
Grand Vizier Kamil Pasha: Cypriot Jew.
Talented and honest. Exiled to Rhodes and sought refuge in British Consulate.
Said Pasha: Former grand vizier. Also
known as Little Said Pasha. Extremely energetic and ambitious. He deeply loves
his country. Extremely intelligent. Very impatient. He was pro-British before,
but now he supports Russians.
Tevfik Pasha, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lacks diplomatic skills. Although his wife is German, he suspects
the Germans.
Memduh Pasha, Minister of Internal Affairs: Very narrow minded, hostile to Christians. From time to time, he
worked in line with the British interests. Notorious for his shameless
acceptance of bribe.
Ferid Pasha: Grand Vizier. Supported by
Germans. He always supports Germany.
Ragıp Pasha, Chamberlain: One of the top
people that can influence the Sultan. Made a huge wealth by using Palace's
influence. Close to British interests.
Mehmet Nuri Bey: Son of a French man
named Chateauneuf. Studied in France. A spy for the Palace. Despite his good
looks, he is a degenerate.
The British Foreign Office continued to
gather systematic information about Turkish statesmen. (The most recent example
is the archives disclosed by WikiLeaks). Other arrogant diplomatic language was
found in the archives of 1933-1939, in the form of classified information sent
by Percy Loraine to London, who was British ambassador to Turkey, with the note
'on Leading Turkish Personalities'. The letter had unofficial information about
96 administrators, journalists and intellectuals of the newly founded Republic
of Turkey:
Yunus Nadi Abalıoğlu: Journalist. Short,
fat. Wears butterfly glasses. Can change his mind quickly according to the
circumstances. A heartless, spineless man.
Celal Nuri İleri: Journalist. Extremely
pro-Western. Smart. Sly. Probably has communist tendencies.
Ahmet Ağaoğlu: Son of a Jewish man of
Caucasia who embraced Islam. Worked for Russian secret service. After 1926, he
sort of softened his stance against Britain.
Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu: Small
stature. Mediocre in looks. Nice wife, speaks English.
Ahmet Ferid: Pro-Bolshevik. Opportunist,
has no principles. His attractive wife helped him with his achievements in
London Embassy.
Kazım Özalp: Most possibly anti-German
and anti-Bolshevik. Poker addict.
İbrahim Tali Öngören: Physician.
Ox-headed, short.
Hasan Saka: Was a Bolshevik sympathizer.
Unattractive. Rowdy.
Ali Çetinkaya: While he was the Minister
of Public Works, worked to nationalize foreign companies.
Fethi Okyar: Has a Mongolian face.
Modest man. Has a very attractive wife who speaks English.1
1. Soner Yalçın, 'İngiliz 'WikiLeaks'inde Ünlü
Türkler', (Famous Turks in the British WikiLeaks), Hürriyet, 04.12.2010,
Some British Spies That Managed to Infiltrate
the Ottoman Empire
Ármin Vámbéry
Ármin Vámbéry, who had multiple titles before his name, like traveler,
explorer, dervish, lecturer, author and international negotiator, was a
professor of oriental languages at the Royal University of Pest. He came to the
Ottoman Empire to study Turkology in Central Asia and spied on the Ottoman
Sultans for the British deep state. He was raised Jewish, but later converted
twice. He first became a Christian, then a Muslim. He spoke five languages.
having lost his faith at a young age, he disguised himself as a dervish
traveling around Central Asia. He subscribed to Darwinist/materialist thinking.
In 1857, he arrived at Istanbul and began giving private lessons at the Palace.
He was constantly by the side of Sultan Abdul Hamid II and gave private French
lessons to Midhat Pasha. He was the only person that could gain the trust of
Abdul Hamid II in a very short amount of time.
to Richard Norton-Taylor of The Guardian, 'His putative usefulness
for the British was that he had the ear of the sultan of Turkey, "your
friend in Constantinople", as his controller in London described him.'141
Abdul Hamid II called Vámbéry to Turkey in the 1880s. Consequently, he stayed
at Yıldız Palace as the Sultan's special guest. When Lord Salisbury saw that
Vámbéry was able to enter the Palace, he invited him to the Foreign Office and
tasked him with the duty of spying on the Sultan.
Owing to
his linguistic abilities, Vámbéry was hired as a translator by the Ottoman
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Recognizing the potential Vámbéry represented, the
Western media also hired him as Istanbul correspondent, hoping to benefit from
his intelligence and observations. He was received with great enthusiasm
particularly in Britain, and dinners were held in his honor; he even received
an invitation from Queen Victoria.
The House
of Commons raised the question whether there was any truth to the rumors that
Vámbéry went to Abdul Hamid II on a special mission assigned by the Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs and if the rumors were true, what the mission
involved. The answer was clear in stating that the rumors were completely
baseless. However only one month prior, Vámbéry had gone to Istanbul upon
instructions from Lord Salisbury and submitted a long, confidential report to
the Foreign Office on Abdul Hamid II and the Ottoman Empire.
Abdul Hamid II said, 'I also wish very much to reach a deal with the
British; I will not hesitate to offer the necessary compromises, as long as
they are willing, too.' He even offered an alliance to the British by means
of Vámbéry.142
Charles Arbuthnot
Arbuthnot was the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire between 1804 and 1807.
He was also behind the failed operation of the British navy attack on the
Dardanelles Strait and its coming to the offshore waters of Prince Islands to
threaten Istanbul.
Prior to
the Dardanelles Operation of 1808, Russia invaded the Turkish lands of Moldavia
and Wallachia without any declaration of war. Urged by the French ambassador
Horace Sébastiani, the Ottomans began war preparations against Russia. However,
British ambassador Arbuthnot, who was working in liaison with the Russians,
issued an ultimatum to the Ottomans, demanding that Sébastiani be removed from
Istanbul, a peace treaty be signed with Russia, an alliance treaty with the
British be renewed, and British and Russian navy fleets be allowed to freely
pass the Straits. Following this ultimatum, the British supported the Russians
when they entered Moldavia and Wallachia, and then demanded that Dardanelles
forts be surrendered to Britain. Ambassador Arbuthnot said that unless those
demands were met, he would go to Bozcaada and come back with the British fleet
to start bombarding Istanbul.
on board, the British navy in Dardanelles sank four Turkish ships, with ten
large galleys, and entered the Sea of Marmara to advance towards Istanbul. When
the British fleet anchored at Istanbul, there were new demands on the list and
the British insisted the Turkish navy be entrusted to the British. This
attitude sparked immense outrage, first in the military and then among madrasah
students. The people of Istanbul and, finally, the government decided to fight
back. Key positions along the shore were arranged as defensive positions and
some 300 cannons were placed. At the same time, people of the Prince Islands
and fishermen were waging guerilla warfare on the British. This entire defense
effort forced the British fleet to retreat. When their final attempt of a
threat failed, the British navy withdrew completely. Artillery defense at
Dardanelles did not let the British fleet pass through.
Henry Elliot
notorious spy who worked for the British deep state was Sir Henry Elliot, the
British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. He was a close friend of Grand Vizier
Midhat Pasha, who helped dethrone Sultan Abdülaziz Khan, and caused Egypt to
come under British rule by issuing the edict that allowed Egypt to borrow money
from foreign creditors. Elliot was one of the architects of the coup of 1876
and the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78).
Midhat Pasha became Grand Vizier after the coup, he held the 'Constantinople
Conference" (aka the Shipyard Conference) in Istanbul with the
participation of the British. In this conference, which was meant to prevent
war, the Ottomans were pressured to give independence to Serbia and Montenegro,
as well as autonomy to Bosnia Herzegovina. Britain knew perfectly well that the
Ottomans would never accept such conditions and that they would declare war
instead. Indeed, when the agreement requirements were disclosed, it was again
Britain that urged Midhat Pasha to resist, promising that in case of war, he
could trust Britain. Finally, what Elliot (in other words, the British deep
state) wanted came true, and the Ottoman Empire and Russia declared war against
each other. This war caused the Ottoman Empire one of its greatest territorial
losses. Once again, those familiar tactics were in play and the 'peace'
agreement was signed with the mediation of the British.
One of the
most notorious tactics of the British deep state is egging on two sides, making
them fight and then mediating a peace agreement between them. Similarly, the Treaty
of Karlowitz of 1699, with the Ottoman's first major territorial losses in the
West, was signed under pressure from British Ambassador William Paget, 6th
Baron Paget. The Treaty of Passarowitz, signed after the Ottoman-Venetian and
Austro-Turkish Wars of 1715-1718 and which also saw Ottoman territory losses,
was also signed with British ambassadors as the mediators. All of these
treaties were actually the result of British deep state policies. This
shouldn't be surprising - it has always been the British deep state that
secretly set the stage for the conflicts and provoked the wars. The real winner
after these treaties has always been the British deep state. The Ottoman
Empire, on the other hand, came one step closer to destruction every time it
was forced to sign a treaty at the instigation of the British deep state.
Austen Henry Layard
Layard, who succeeded Henry Elliot as the British Ambassador to the Ottoman
Empire, was another spy that worked disguised as an ambassador. Having been
appointed as a Privy Council member by the Gladstone government, Layard is
considered the person that ensured British control over Cyprus via the Cyprus
Convention of 1878. Even though he seemed to be pro-Turkish, his main policy
was making Russians and Ottomans fight and weaken each other, thus playing into
the hands of the British deep state. Abdul Hamid II granting certain facilities
to the British deep state, which would make it easier for Britain to gain
control of Cyprus, made Layard's job much easier.
informed Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, the then British Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs that, according to Islamic tradition, for an administrator to be
removed from the position of Caliph and dethroned, he had to be mentally ill. A
scheme based on this information brought about the dethronement of Sultan Murad
V, to be succeeded by Abdul Hamid II, who had to give into the pressure of the
British deep state. This was a grim example of how the British deep state could
change even the Ottoman Sultans using its spies.
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