An Economic
Ambush by the British to Speed up the Fall of the Ottoman Empire: The Treaty of Balta Liman
By the 19th
century, the Ottoman Empire was struggling under the heavy weight of military,
political and economic pressure from the European states. In 1827, as the Greek
uprising was raging on, the British, French and Russian fleets attacked and
heavily defeated the Ottoman navy in Navarino, while Russians annexed Edirne
and came dangerously close to Istanbul during the Russo-Turkish war of 1828-29.
In the face of these developments, Sultan Mahmud II decided to end the war with
the Treaty of Edirne of 1829. The independence declaration of the Greeks
changed the course of events. During the Greek uprising, Mahmud II promised to
give the governorship of Mora to Egypt's then governor Muhammad Ali Pasha if he
helped suppress the uprising. However, when the Greeks declared their
independence the deal was broken. When Mahmud II also refused to give the
governorship of Damascus to Muhammad Ali Pasha, the so-called 'Egypt problem'
ensued. French sided with Egypt, while British remained neutral. These
developments prompted the Ottomans to sign a pact of non-aggression and
alliance, the Treaty of Hünkar İskelesi, with the Russians in 1833.
that it might be losing the Ottomans to the Russians, the British deep state
enlisted the help of France to protest the treaty. It even went as far as
sending one British fleet to Izmir. With Austria's help, it managed to convince
the Tsar to withdraw from the treaty and promised the Ottomans its support
against the Russians and Muhammad Ali Pasha. Surely, this service wouldn't come
for free. The British deep state's service was offered in exchange for a new
'free trade agreement' (the Treaty of Balta Liman) to expand the capitulations
previously granted. The anglophile grand vizier Mustafa Reşid Pasha also played
an important role in talking the Sultan, who was on his deathbed at the time,
into signing the treaty.
treaty, which was devised as a fait accompli by the British amidst
slogans of 'westernization', 'liberalization' and 'development', in truth
proclaimed the downfall of the Empire. With this treaty, Britain was basically
dragging the Ottoman Empire, which was already half way to becoming a colony,
into an economic pit from which it would not be able get out again. With the
Treaty of Balta Liman, the Western states, particularly Britain, were given
many privileges and concessions that went well beyond the limits of
capitulations. This effectively made the Ottoman Empire an open market for the
British and other Europeans.
The treaty
was full of one-sided and binding clauses against the interests of the
Ottomans. In addition to existing capitulations, subjects and ships of Great
Britain were given new privileges, which would be effective 'forever'. The
situation was so odd that while the Turkish merchants paid 12% taxation, British
merchants paid only 5% for their domestic trade. If a British merchant or his
agent bought a Turkish product for export, that merchant or agent would not be
subjected to any trade limitations and could trade for free.
Palmerston, the then British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, called the
treaty Capo d'Opera (a masterpiece) due to the unheard-of advantages it
offered to the British.48 In the meantime, the British deep state continued with its classic
hypocrisy and friendly façade towards the Ottoman Empire, praised the country,
which it had slyly pushed to the brink of collapse, with compliments like 'the
country that applies free trade in the broadest manner among all countries in
the world'. Therefore, considering what happened in the past, it is crucial to
adopt a cautious approach to similar praises, or promises made by modern
representatives of the British deep state.
With the
Treaty of Balta Liman, tariff walls against foreign markets were removed and
all registrations and records in domestic trade were lifted without any
protective measures. This development dealt a serious blow to young Turkish
industry, unready yet for foreign competition. Industries that depended on
local production like cotton, silk, wool, angora products, leather processing,
mining, and agriculture were seriously affected and couldn't help but
disappear. After a while, these products were no longer processed and were sold
to foreigners as raw materials for very low prices. Many local industry
products, which prior to 1838 easily met the domestic demand and were also
exported, could be obtained almost only through import by 1850.
On the
other hand, the falling tax revenues from foreign trade due to new privileges
given to Westerners, coupled with the effect of deficits in the state budget,
placed a heavy burden on the Ottoman Empire, leading to a major economic
crisis. Already struggling with the crippling costs of the Crimean War of 1854,
the Ottoman Empire for the first time in its history resorted to foreign debts
in a bid to get its economy back on its feet. Britain enthusiastically
supported the move. As a result, the Ottomans borrowed a total of £3 million
from Palmer in London and Goldschmidt in Paris on August 24, 1854. The loan was
secured against the Egyptian taxes.
This move
marked the beginning of intense borrowing, which couldn't be paid off even long
after the Ottoman Empire came down. In only twenty years after the first loan
in 1854, the Empire declared a total default and bankrupted. In the run-up to
WWI, the Ottoman Empire had borrowed 243 million Ottoman Liras, which made the
total amount of foreign debt 409 million Ottoman Liras.
inability to pay back the loans allowed the creditors to gain control of the
biggest revenue sources of the Empire. The Ottoman Public Debt Administration (Düyun-u
Umumiye) was established during the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Even
though the name suggests that it was an Ottoman institute, it had a completely
foreign administration that consisted of seven people representing the
creditors: British, Dutch, French, German, and Italian among others. This
commission monitoring the foreign debt of the Ottoman Empire seized the entire
revenues from tobacco, salt, silk, stamp and fish taxes, which comprised more
than one third of the state's budget. Another reason for the selection of these
particular items was that these taxes were the easiest to collect, not to
mention the most dependable.
from the Ottoman Public Debt Administration under British control would go and
seize the produce of farmers and collect taxes with the help of the gendarme
forces. Numerous cases of cruel treatment at the hands of the Ottoman Public
Debt Administration officers that used gendarme for their purposes can be found
in historical accounts.
Republic of Turkey that was born out of the ashes of the Ottoman Empire took
over these massive debts that spelled the end of the Empire. However, it was
only one century later when the young republic was able to completely pay them
off. It should be noted that in 1838, when the Treaty of Balta Liman was signed
with the British, the Ottoman Empire had no foreign debts. However, the
sinister British deep state plans made the Ottomans not only heavily indebted,
but turned its many previous allies into adversaries, most notably Russia.
The first
foreign debt the Ottomans obtained from Britain by means of British deep state
ruses marked the beginning of the end. The free trade treaty imposed on the
Ottoman Empire, and the subsequent crisis and bankruptcy, clearly point to the
sinister, intricate, multi-staged and long-term plans of the British deep state
when it wishes to bring countries to the brink of collapse.
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